Monday, January 31, 2011

How to Correctly Build a Bigger RSS Feed Subscriber List

Getting return visitors to your site is a vital part of internet marketing because it allows you more time to concentrate on building up your core business instead of constantly driving traffic. The best way to go about this is to create a blog or a news site pertinent to your niche or even a static information site so you can update your audience regularly. However, in order to update your visitors and let them know of any new changes, you'll need a medium such as an RSS feed, where people can subscribe and stay updated.

It isn't hard to create an RSS feed as most blogs come with one already included. But the real challenge is to gain new subscribers and grow your list.

No matter whether you have a blog or a website, the value of unique content cannot be ignored, therefore you must make sure you only offer original articles to your audience. You will find that more and more people will subscribe to your RSS feed if you provide your audience with top notch articles that can't be found elsewhere online, irrespective of the niche you are targeting. People want to know when you will be updating, which is the main reason they subscribe to RSS feeds. You can only leverage this if you offer information they desire.

When you're running an RSS feed, quality becomes more important than quantity. While posting content on a regular basis is important, there's no point in making a post if it doesn't make any sense. You will lose your subscribers because they will immediately hit the unsubscribe button and try to find other RSS feeds in the same niche or industry. You won't be able to build up your subscriber list if you don't have everything set up right because the competition online is quite fierce. The higher the level of quality you offer, the more people will subscribe and stay with you.

Finally, do not offer too many options for feed buttons. This will just make things very unruly and confusing. You have probably seen plenty of websites that offered many feed options. This can actually get the opposite results of what you want. If you actually want your viewers to subscribe to your feed, then make it as easy as possible. Providing to many options can make your website look unorganized. This can make your visitors run away from your site instead of towards it. So the best way to deal with this is to choose only the popular feed options and place them above the fold of your webpage. In conclusion, acquiring more RSS subscribers depends entirely on how you go about doing it and how much work you are willing to put into it. If you do not have that many RSS feed subscribers right now, this is not a bad thing. You can always start as a newbie and build a list from the bottom up. The most important thing to remember is to get your RSS subscriber via various approaches. Do not overlook ways in which you can get more subscribers. The more visitors that convert into your RSS subscribers, the better.